About the Journal

Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (IJIS) is an open-access publication from the Department of Mass Communication, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.  Dr Gever Verlumun Celestine founded the journal in 2019. It publishes peer-reviewed, original research and reviews articles in an interactive, open-access format.  Also, beginning June 2023, there will be an article processing charge of £750 for accepted manuscripts. There is no submission fee. APC is the journals’ only source of revenue. IJIS does not accept paid advertisements on its website. Beginning from Volume 6 No. 2, IJIS  became an international journal. Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies focuses on four areas, namely communication, psychology, sociology,  as well as management and economy. In the area of communication, the journal covers media and journalism, advertising, public relations, digital technologies, and the impact of digital media on different aspects of scholarship, including research, interpersonal communication, and communication broadly. In the area of psychology, the journal covers both basic and applied psychology. IJIS is interested in basic psychology areas like perception, emotion, learning memory, sensation and motivation. In applied psychology, we are interested in real-world issues, such as clinical psychology, industrial-organisational psychology, educational psychology, and forensic psychology. In sociology, our interest is in human relations and their behaviour. We are interested in the functioning of society, social change, social groups, institutions and their functioning. We are equally interested in cultural normal and social structures. Our interest in sociology also covers social stratification and social inequality, culture and social interaction, deviance and social control, medical sociology, social movements, social and financial institutions, the sociology of family,   economic sociology, political sociology,  sociology of religion and sociology of education. In the area of management and economy, the journal is interested in a broad spectrum of topics that explore the intersection of human behaviour, organisational dynamics, and economic principles. The journal seeks manuscripts on individuals, organisations, and decision-making processes, efficiency, and performance. The focus is on areas like organisational behaviour, strategic management, micro and macroeconomics, finance, marketing, operations management and entrepreneurship.


The journal is indexed in the following databases:


Directorate of Open Access Journals


Google Scholar

Publisher Details

Office No 130, Block A Faculty of Arts Building, University of Nigeria, 410101 Nsukka.

Email: journal.masscomm@unn.edu.ng

Publication Frequency

The journal was previously published annually. However, beginning in 2024, it will be published twice a year. For 2024, the journal's issues will be published in June and August. From 2025 onward, the journal will be published in January and June. The tradition of publishing supplementary articles for issues ended in 2023. Authors are encouraged to bear in mind our publication schedules when revising manuscripts or checking galley proofs. If an article misses a particular issue, the author (s) must wait for the next issue. It is essential to add here that the two issues in a year exclude any special issue. The highest number of special issues that can be published in a year is two. The theme of our special issue can be limited to a geographical area or open to international participation.  

Refund policy

The Article Processing Charge (APC), which authors pay, is non-refundable and is to take care of the cost of production and overall journal management. Only in exceptional cases will a refund application be considered. Below are some of the conditions:

  1. The application is made 24 hours after payment.
  2. The basis for the application is due to overpayment.
  3. Authors made payment for manuscripts that have not been accepted.

Aims and Scope

IJIS aims to publish well-researched manuscripts across three social sciences areas: communication, sociology and psychology. Previously, the journal was limited to only Nigerian authors; however, beginning from  Vol 6 No 2, 2024, the journal will start considering articles from international authors.  IJIS looks forward to being an internationally-ranked open-access outlet for outstanding academic research to meet the academic needs of the international community. For this reason, unlike traditional journals, IJIS does not limit content as a result of thematic importance.  Instead, IJIS assesses each article's scientific and research methods for validity and accepts articles majorly on the basis of the research. Adopting this approach, readers are offered greater access and the power to determine the significance of each article through IJIS’s interactive comments feature and article-level usage metrics. Correspondingly, by not limiting papers to a narrow discipline, IJIS facilitates the discovery of the connections between papers, whether within or between disciplines.  Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies focuses on four areas, namely communication, psychology sociology and management and economy.  In the area of communication, the journal covers media and journalism, advertising, public relations,  digital technologies, interpersonal communication, and communication broadly. In the area of psychology, the journal covers both basic and applied psychology. IJIS is interested in basic psychology areas like perception, emotion, learning memory, sensation and motivation. In applied psychology, we are interested in real-world issues, such as clinical psychology, industrial-organisational psychology, educational psychology, and forensic psychology. In sociology, our interest is in human relations and their behaviour. We are interested in the functioning of society, social change, social groups, institutions and their functioning. We are equally interested in cultural normal and social structures. Our interest in sociology also covers social stratification and social inequality, culture and social interaction, deviance and social control, medical sociology, social movements, social and financial institutions, the family, the economy,  politics, religion and education. In the area of management and economy, the journal is interested in a broad spectrum of topics that explore the intersection of human behaviour, organisational dynamics, and economic principles. The journal seeks manuscripts on individuals, organisations, and decision-making processes, efficiency, and performance. The focus is on areas like organisational behaviour, strategic management, micro and macroeconomics, finance, marketing, operations management and entrepreneurship.


 Publication Ethics  and Malpractice Statement


At Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, our commitment to the integrity of our academic content and publishing process is an assurance. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to carry out their research work in line with appropriate practices and a good code of conduct of professional relevance or internationally regulated bodies.      

Research integrity

We uphold a high standard at Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. As such, our esteemed contributors from different disciplines/institutions are encouraged to considerably abide by the following principles:   

  1. Mental honesty in all aspects of research;
  2. Thoroughgoing review, accuracy, and excellence in research practice;
  • Research report communication with heightened transparency and integrity;
  1. Respect, care, and protection of all participants in the subject(s) of research.


Editorial process

At IJIS, we are pledged with guaranteeing an elevated standard in the process through which contents are created and made independent from simple data or information. Our editorial process is interactively synergistic and subjectively high. Our all-inclusive editorial policies are articulated thus:

  1. We start a preliminary check process after submission and the submission can be accepted for peer evaluation only when:
  • The manuscript falls within the scope of the journal requirement(s);
  • Authorship information is well-grounded;
  • The presentation meets our standard of selection;
  • The needful information regarding our research ethics is included in the manuscript;
  • The manuscript is free from plagiarism.
  1. When a submission is made to the journal, qualified and worthy reviewers will be contacted to critically assess it.
  2. After critical assessment and evaluation of comments by reviewers, editors will then make a decision on whether to accept or reject the submitted manuscript and or require authors to go through their manuscript.
  3. Subsequent to an author’s revision, reviewers are contacted again for a rerun of the review of the manuscript. Adopting this procedure, editors will decide whether to accept or reject the revised manuscript.
  4. Nevertheless, if a manuscript is accepted in due course, attention will be paid to layout editing, author proofreading, format conversion, and language structure editing before publication.

Peer review

We use double-blind peer review to assess submitted manuscripts.  The journal conducts external peer reviews, and the reviewers are independent of the publisher. At IJIS, we acknowledge the indispensable role of critical assessment in the integrity of the scholarly record. Our ethical publication policies for peer reviewers set out the fundamental principles and standards to which all prominent peer reviewers should adhere during the critical assessment process. Therefore, we have delineated the fundamental principles to which our peer reviewers should adhere as follows:

  1. Reviewers should only agree to assess manuscripts that have the subject expertise required to carry out a proper review and which they can assess in a timely manner.
  2. Reviewers should ensure the confidentiality of peer review and not disclose any detail of a manuscript or its review during or after the peer-review process except for those that are released by the journal.
  3. Reviewers should neither use the details/information obtained during the critical assessment process to the disadvantage of others nor for their own, other persons, or an organization’s advantage.
  4. Reviewers should state all prospective conflicting interests and solicit advice from the journal if they are not sure whether something adds up to a relevant interest or not.
  5. Reviewers should not let their reviews to be influenced by the origin of a manuscript, its nationality, religious or political beliefs, gender, commercial deliberations, or other characteristics of the authors.
  6. Reviewers should be unprejudiced and positive in their reviews, abstaining from being antagonistic or provocative and from making defamatory personal comments.
  7. Reviewers should admit that peer review is mainly a reciprocal effort and hence, should endeavour to accomplish their fair share of reviews in a prompt manner.  
  8. Reviewers should supply the journal with personal and profession-wise information that is precise and truly represents their proficiency.
  9. Reviewers should acknowledge that the impersonation of another individual during the review process is considered serious wrongdoing.

Special issue policies

  • The journal applies the following for its special issues:
  1. The Editor-in-Chief can serve as the editor, or a Guest Editor or Editors will be appointed.
  2. Where a Guest Editor or Editors are to be appointed, the individuals must be experts on the special issue theme with proven track records of publications.
  3. The role of the Guest editor will be to screen submitted manuscripts, invite reviewers, coordinate the review process and make decisions regarding submitted manuscripts.
  4. When the Guest Editor or Editors share the same institutional affiliations as the authors, the final decision to accept or reject a manuscript will be made by the Editor-in-Chief or another assigned editorial board member.

  5. The review process for the special issue follows the same procedure as the regular issue.
  6. It is possible to have a special issue with authors drawn from a single institution, but the peer-review process must follow the journal's standard. The theme of the special issue must also fall within the scope of the journal. 


Any form of scholarly contribution to the development and conclusion of research work has significant academic implications. This suggests that for published works, authorship comes with liability and accountability. Subsequently, in enlisting authors for research work, potential authors must be acquainted with the following:      

  1. All submitted papers must contain contributors’ statements. This must be carried out to keep away from fraudulent authorship attribution.
  2. Individuals with considerable contributions to the conception, design of the work, acquisition, analysis, interpretation of data, and drafting of the work or its revision must be listed as authors.
  3. The position of a corresponding author is not superior to that of other authors or collaborators; rather, the corresponding author assumes primary responsibility for communicating with the journal during the manuscript submission, peer review, and publication process.
  4. For those individuals whose contributions did not justify authorship (e.g., data collectors, data managers, professional writing assistants, etc.), a short acknowledgement section should be made to highlight their contribution(s) during the research process.

Paper preparation template/Instructions to authors                                                                

At IJIS, a structured abstract of not more than 300 words is employed, and the following template shall guide prospective contributors:

Title: The title of a manuscript should not be longer than 50 words. The title should be in lower case, except in cases where the upper case is best suited like for proper nouns. The title of a manuscript should bear the state where the research was carried out and titles should be as clear and precise as possible. 

Background of the study/ Introduction: In the background, contributors are discouraged from citations. The background should simply set the stage for the study. Conceivably, it should give an insight into the work, why the topic is important, and why the study is worth conducting.

The objective of the study: The objective of the study should clearly state the problem to be solved.

Methodology: This should indicate how the research was carried out as well as the designs that were adopted to achieve the study objectives. The sample size, sampling procedure for selection of respondents, and instruments for data collection for the study should be clearly stated as well. The method(s) of data analysis utilized and mode of data presentation should be indicated. Issues like validity and reliability should be addressed.

Results: Results should be presented in clear and simple language.

Unique Contribution: The researcher should state the distinctive contribution of his/her manuscript to past or existing knowledge by highlighting its practical, theoretical, or scholarly contributions.

Conclusion: The conclusion should be handled with seriousness. The contributors should concisely sum up the study.

Key Recommendation: Here, recommendations for further studies on the research topic should be stated.

Keywords: The keywords which serve as the yardstick to make reference to, and or identify the paper should be clearly indicated with a semicolon (;) separations.

References: At IJIS, the referencing style we adopt is APA 7th edition. Contributors are also encouraged to cite reputable impact factor journals.


We made use of  Turnitin to screen all manuscripts submitted to IJIS. The use of another author’s language, ideas, expressions, and or thoughts as one’s own original work is highly unacceptable. By percentage, at IJIS, the maximum range of acceptability for the originality of a manuscript is  20% and below. Self-plagiarism is also considered an offence. It occurs when an author uses a considerable part of his/her work that has been previously published without referencing or citing properly. It can range from making modifications to a previously published manuscript to publishing the same manuscript in more than one journal. To solve this problem, authors are advised to do the following:

  1. Avoid exact repetition of another person’s work if proper acknowledgement of the author or source cannot be done;
  2. Avoid rearranging, rewording, or rephrasing another person’s ideas or work if proper citation of the source cannot be done;
  3. Avoid using works or ideas of people from the Internet to make an imitation of online sources;
  4. Using the work of other authors as part of one’s own when proper acknowledgement of the author cannot be made should be avoided.

The average number of weeks between article submission & publication

It takes an average of   16 weeks from submission to publication

Research with animals or humans     

Research involving animals or humans must be well evaluated and approved by a research ethics committee (IRB) before starting the study. The rights of study subjects and participants to privacy must be respected. In addition, the informed consent of subjects who have consented to participate in research must be obtained. Authors should be reminded that informed consent is not just a form that is signed but a process in which the subjects or participants are made to understand their roles, the objectives, and the risks that the research poses. 

Research involving vulnerable groups

At IJIS, the following must be considered in studies that involve vulnerable groups:

  1. For studies involving children (those below 18 years), their parents or guardians must sign a consent form for them to take part in any study.
  2. The vulnerable group and their parents/guardians must be made to understand the full implications of participating in their study.
  3. They must also consent to the publication of the study.
  4. Authors are under obligation to provide evidence that the above ethical requirements were met.


Conflicts of Interest (COI) and funding

At IJIS, one of our esteemed aims is to ensure that our issues are free from immoderate influence. As such, we expect that our authors must make the following declarations:   

  1. All financial COI with no time limits.
  2. Relevant non-financial potential COIs.

Libel, defamation, and freedom of expression

No matter how, we discourage any form of false publication or statements that poses threat to the reputation of individuals, groups, and organizations. If any such situation comes up, our legal team will act appropriately.   

Retractions, corrections, and expressions of concern

At IJIS, We encourage retraction, correction, and expression of concern for papers that are published in our journal. A retraction may be initiated by our editors, the author(s) of the papers, or their institution. In rare cases, retraction is accompanied by apologies for the previous error and/or expressions of gratitude to persons who disclosed the error to the author. An expression of concern is also recommended in the same manner as the case with retraction or correction.   

Falsification, fabrication, and image manipulation

We concede that the results of data collected or presented as images may be confusing if they are not appropriately modified. In consideration of this, we advise that authors should be more evaluative in making decisions to modify data elicited in this form. We have grounds to believe that a painstaking consideration of modifying such images is crucial to preventing falsification, fabrication, or misrepresentation of their results.     

Fraudulent research and research misconduct

In a case where we discover fraudulent research and or research misconduct by our author, our feedback will be to collaborate with the relevant editor(s), and other appropriate institutions or organizations for investigation. Any publication that we find to include fraudulent content will be retracted, or an appropriate correction or expression of concern will be issued.

Data and supporting evidence

Authors are encouraged to be transparent with regard to data coding and reports of materials that were used during the research process. Therefore, authors are expected to provide and store accurate data and supporting evidence related to their research in a repository or storage location. The reason for doing this is to enable us to create access for others to make verifications, understand, and probably replicate new findings with ease from the data the authors provided.

Copyright and License

By submitting manuscripts to IJIS, contributors are agreeing to the following agreement:

  • Copyright on articles published by IJIS  is retained by the author(s).
  • By submitting manuscripts to the journal,  authors grant IJIS a license to publish the articles and identify itself as the original publisher.
  • Authors also grant any third party the right to use the article freely provided that its integrity is sustained and its original authors, citation details, and publisher are clearly identified.
  • Where an author is not allowed to hold the copyright, minor adjustments may be needed to accommodate the peculiarities.  It is mandatory for authors who require such variations to inform the IJIS editorial team after their manuscripts have been accepted.

License agreement

In submitting an article to IJIS,  I certify that;

  1. I am authorized by my co-authors to enter into these arrangements.
  2. I warrant, on behalf of myself and my co-authors, that:
    • ​​the article is original, has not been formally published in any other peer-reviewed journal, is not under consideration by any other journal, and does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third-party rights; 
    • I am/we are the sole author(s) of the article and have full authority to enter into this agreement in granting rights to IJIS are not in breach of any other obligation;
    • the article contains nothing that is unlawful, libellous, or which would, if published, constitute a breach of contract or of confidence or of commitment given to secrecy;
    • I/we have taken due care to ensure the integrity of the article. To my/our - and currently accepted scientific - knowledge of all statements contained in it purporting to be facts are true, and any formula or instruction contained in the article will not, if followed accurately, cause any injury, illness, or damage to the user.
  3. I, and all co-authors, agree that the article if accepted for publication, shall be licensed in line with IJIS policies.  


Irrespective of whether the authors fill out a form or not, the license agreement is applicable to all articles published by the journal. Therefore, it is important for authors to read the license agreement before submitting their manuscripts.



All articles published by IJIS are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.  Therefore, through the noncommercial use of works published by IJIS, readers are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of our published articles and allow readers to use them for any other lawful purposes. Readers must acknowledge sources accordingly. 

Self-Archiving policies

As an open-access journal, IJIS allows authors to archive the published versions of their articles in databases that are freely available to the general public.  There are no limitations as to the number of databases where authors can archive their works.