Call for papers for special issue


Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (Scopus Indexed)

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Call for papers (Special Issue Vol 6 No. 2)

Digital media and research in 21st-century society:  Assessing the  current trends and projecting the future



Digital media and modern technologies have continued to play huge roles in influencing different aspects of contemporary society. Research has also been significantly influenced by the powerful waves of Internet-powered media. Aspects of research like data collection, literature review, data analysis and intervention delivery, among others,  have witnessed a significant change over the past decades.  This special issue  of Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies is aimed at understanding how digital media and new technologies have changed the dynamics of research. This special issue is designed as part of activities for the Research fellowship offered to the Editor-In-Chief and founder, Dr Gever Verlimun Celestine, by the Centre for Advanced Internet Studies, Bochum, Germany. It is an innovative measure of knowledge transfer with the overall aim to acquire literature and contribute to the library of the Centre for Advanced Internet Studies, Bochum, Germany.  The specific areas of interest are:

  1. Artificial intelligence and research in contemporary society.
  2. Software and data analysis in contemporary society.
  3. Digital media and intervention delivery
  4. Digital media and data collection.
  5. Digital media and communicating research findings.
  6. Digital media and research integrity.
  7. Mobile applications and research in the 21st Century
  8. Research in the social media age.

Important information

Deadline for submission of full papers: 30 November 2023.

The deadline for resubmission of the revised manuscript (only for papers where revisions are requested) is 30th February 2023.

Acceptance notification:    30th March 2024.

Expected date of publication: August  2024.

Submission: All submissions should be emailed to the journal's online submission platform.

Payment:  For this special issue, publication will be free.

Paper preparation template/Instructions to authors                                                                

At IJIS, a structured abstract of not more than 300 words is employed and the following template shall guide prospective contributors:

Title: The title of a manuscript should not be longer than 50 words. The title should be in lower case, except in cases where the upper case is best suited like for proper nouns. The title should be as clear and precise as possible. 

Background of the study/ Introduction: In the background, contributors are discouraged from citations. The background should simply set the stage for the study. Conceivably, it should give an insight into the work, why the topic is important, and why the study is worth conducting.

The objective of the study: The objective of the study should clearly state the problem to be solved.

Methodology: This should indicate how the research was carried out as well as the designs that were adopted to achieve the study objectives. The sample size, sampling procedure for the selection of respondents, and instruments for data collection for the study should be clearly stated as well. The method(s) of data analysis utilized and the mode of data presentation should be indicated. Issues like validity and reliability should be addressed.

Results: Results should be presented in clear and simple language.

Unique Contribution: The researcher should state the distinctive contribution of his/her manuscript to past or existing knowledge by highlighting its practical, theoretical, or scholarly contributions.

Conclusion: The conclusion should be handled with seriousness. The contributors should concisely sum up the study.

Key Recommendation: Here, recommendations for further studies on the research topic should be stated.

Keywords: The keywords which serve as the yardstick to make reference to, and or identify the paper should be clearly indicated with a semicolon (;) separations.

References: At IJIS, the referencing style we adopt is APA 7th edition. Contributors are also encouraged to cite reputable impact factor journals.

Word count: All manuscripts should range from 350-5000 words, including references.


We make use of  Turnitin to screen all manuscripts submitted to IJIS. The use of another author’s language, ideas, expressions, and or thoughts as one’s own original work is highly unacceptable. By percentage, at IJIS, the maximum range of acceptability for the originality of a manuscript is  20% and below. Self-plagiarism is also considered an offence. It occurs when an author uses a considerable part of his/her work that has been previously published without referencing or citing properly. It can range from making modifications to a previously published manuscript to publishing the same manuscript in more than one journal. To solve this problem, authors are advised to do the following:

  1. Avoid exact repetition of another person’s work if proper acknowledgement of the author or source cannot be done;
  2. Avoid rearranging, rewording, or rephrasing another person’s ideas or work if proper citation of the source cannot be done;
  3. Avoid using works or ideas of people from the Internet to make an imitation of online sources;
  4. Using the work of other authors as part of one’s own when proper acknowledgement of the author cannot be made should be avoided.