Exposure to and Knowledge of Media Messages on Exclusive Breastfeeding among Mothers in Three States in South-East Nigeria
Exclusive, breastfeading, mothers, media, messages, knowledgeAbstract
Background: Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) involves providing only breast milk to respond to the infant's total nourishment needs within the first six months of life. Breast milk contains all the essential nutrients, antibodies, and other growth and development factors. EBF enhances an infant's immune system and vaccination response.
Objective: This study examined exposure to and knowledge of media EBF messages among mothers in three states in South-East Nigeria.
Methodology: The survey method was adopted to conduct the study among 370 registered antenatal mothers selected through a multistage sampling technique in three primary and three tertiary hospitals. A structured questionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection. The data were analysed using percentages and the chi-square test of association, and results were presented in tables.
Results: Breastfeeding mothers were highly aware of EBF and knowledgeable, with a significant relationship between awareness and knowledge of media messages on EBF. Exposure to media messages improved knowledge and responses to EBF. However, responses to messages were constrained by economic, cultural, and social factors such as myths and family pressure.
Conclusion: Nursing mothers are highly exposed to media messages on EBF, which shows that the media plays a significant role in EBF campaigns.
Unique contribution: The study has identified the significant role of media messages in creating awareness of the importance of EBF among mothers. The study has also identified the limitations of adopting media messages on EBF.
Key Recommendation: Media messages on EBF should aim more at counteracting myths and misinformation in the South-East region. Health professionals should harmonise their messages with media messages to enhance persuasive effects.
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