Optimisation Model for the Role of Family Planning Villages in Growth Failure Control



Family Planning Villages (FPVs), Model, Optimization, Stunting


Background: Stunting is a condition of impaired growth in young children due to chronic malnutrition, characterised by a height that is below the normal growth standards for children, as established by WHO. Stunting is attributed to prolonged insufficient nutritional intake, posing a significant challenge to community welfare. To address this challenge, optimising the role of Family Planning Villages (FPVs) has been proven effective as an innovative programme to enhance community welfare.

Objective: This research aimed to identify the implementation model of FPVs in stunting control.

Methodology: The analysis was carried out using a quantitative observational method with a cross-sectional design, including data collection through questionnaires administered to 17 FPVs and 224 respondents.

Result: The results showed that administrators played a substantial role in stunting control, contributing significantly with an efficacy rate of 34%. The understanding of standards and objectives was in line with the role of FPVs, with a considerable influence (p=.015) on stunting control. Furthermore, the availability of good resources was in line with the role of FPVs, with a significant influence (p=.003) of resources. Good environmental support also showed a substantial correlation, characterised by an influence (p=.016) on stunting control. Communication had an influence (p=.046), showing a significant correlation with FPVs, while work attitude/culture did not show an influence (p=.266) on stunting control.

Unique contribution: The study shows the effectiveness of the Family Planning Village programme, identifying strengths and weaknesses and providing recommendations for improvement.

Conclusion: Variables directly influencing the role of FPVs in stunting control include the understanding of standards and objectives, resources, environmental support, and organisational communication.

Key recommendation: Effective and continuous communication, including coordination, is required to strengthen the role of FPVs in stunting control


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How to Cite

Tat, F., Aty, Y. M. V. B., & Herwanti, E. (2024). Optimisation Model for the Role of Family Planning Villages in Growth Failure Control. Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies , 6(2), 146–160. Retrieved from https://iannajournalofinterdisciplinarystudies.com/index.php/1/article/view/191