Teacher Teaching Commitment and Performance and its Impact on Student Academic Performance: A Survey Study
academic performance, students, teachers, teaching commitment, teaching performanceAbstract
Background: Ensuring high-quality education relies significantly on the unwavering commitment and exceptional performance of teachers. The dedication they demonstrate to their profession not only influences but directly determines the quality of learning students receive. Teachers who are deeply committed to their profession often go above and beyond, creating an enriching and effective learning environment.
Objective: The objective of this study was to describe how the teaching commitment and performance of teachers influence the academic performance of junior high school students in Indonesian language subjects. The research focused on students attending state schools in the Merauke district of Southern Papua Province, Indonesia.
Research Method: Data regarding teachers' teaching commitment and performance were collected through two survey questionnaires distributed to 335 state junior high school students. Meanwhile, academic performance data of state junior high school students in Merauke district were obtained from their academic transcripts. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS version 21.
Research Results: The statistical analysis results indicate a significant positive impact of teachers' commitment and performance on students' academic performance in Indonesian language subjects.
Conclusion: Teacher commitment and performance are foundational elements of quality education. When teachers are dedicated to guiding students toward success, they continuously elevate their instructional standards to ensure effective teaching.
Contribution: This study contributes to a deeper understanding of how teachers' teaching commitment and performance influence students' academic achievements in Indonesian language subjects at state junior high schools in the Merauke district of Southern Papua Province, Indonesia.
Key Recommendation: School principals should develop strategies aimed at bolstering teacher commitment and performance to effectively enhance students' academic achievements. Based on the acknowledged limitations, future research endeavours could explore the influence of contextual factors such as school culture and administrative support while advocating for policy initiatives and professional development programs aimed at bolstering teacher commitment and performance.
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