Using ChatGPT To Write Scientific Papers In Indonesia: A Systematic Review
artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, systematic review, writing scientific papersAbstract
Background: The utilization of ChatGPT in writing scientific papers has sparked both pros and cons in Indonesia. Some studies reveal its great potential, while others highlight the negative impacts resulting from the use of ChatGPT.
Objective: This research aims to analyze the area, impact, and trends in the use of ChatGPT in writing scientific papers in Indonesia through a systematic review.
Methodology: Researchers use PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) to conduct the analysis. The sample consists of 19 selected studies collected from the Google Scholar and Scopus databases. Data analysis uses quantitative and qualitative descriptive methods.
Result: The research results show that the areas in which ChatGPT is used in writing scientific papers include topic selection, reference search, data analysis, scientific grammar, and translation. The use of ChatGPT in writing scientific papers faces some serious challenges, especially those related to ethics and academic integrity, such as increasing rates of plagiarism and declining values of honesty and responsibility. Moreover, dependence on artificial intelligence technology has the potential to reduce the development of human intellectual abilities, such as critical thinking, analysis, interpretation, and logic. Until recently, the research trend related to the use of ChatGPT for writing scientific papers is increasing, with the quite low density of research topics; thus, there are opportunities for further research to be carried out.
Conclusion: The utilization of ChatGPT in academic writing in Indonesia has both positive and negative aspects. Regulation and morality can be crucial keys to realizing a quality academic environment.
Unique Contribution: This research contributes to understanding the opportunities and challenges of utilizing ChatGPT in writing scientific papers, as well as providing information regarding areas that have the potential for further research.
Key Recommendation: An in-depth understanding of the appropriate regulations for the use of ChatGPT in writing scientific papers is needed to minimize risks while still maximizing its positive potential.
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