Optimisation of Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Collaboration, and Communication (4C) in the Micro Teaching Programme in the Department of Elementary School Teacher Education



microteaching models, 21-st century skills, pedagogical abilities, teacher candidate


Background: To enhance pedagogical competence, teacher education programme must develop 21st-century skills, specifically the 4C (critical thinking, creative thinking, collaborative thinking, and communication).

Objective: This study aims to optimise the implementation of the 4C skills within micro-teaching sessions in the primary school teacher education programme.

Methodology: A survey method was utilised, employing observation sheets and questionnaires as instruments. The study involved 235 students from the department of elementary school teacher education in Universitas Sebelas Maret.

Results: The findings indicate that aspects such as lesson planning and preparation, implementation, student involvement in micro-teaching, student participation, use of technology, and reflection and feedback from instructors are below 50%. Additionally, the integration of critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, and communication in micro-teaching sessions has yet to be achieved.

Unique Contribution: This study highlights the gaps in the current implementation of microteaching, particularly the under-integration of 4C skills, which are essential for modern educational practices.

Conclusion: The current micro-teaching practices in the Department of Elementary School Teacher Education need to be revised to foster 4C skills among students.

Key Recommendation: Comprehensive strategies should be developed and implemented to integrate 4C skills into micro-teaching sessions, including enhanced instructor training and the use of technology to facilitate interactive and collaborative learning environments.


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How to Cite

Ika Nurwulandari, Sajidan, S., Rochsantiningsih, D., & Sukarmin, S. (2024). Optimisation of Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Collaboration, and Communication (4C) in the Micro Teaching Programme in the Department of Elementary School Teacher Education. Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies , 6(2), 263–276. Retrieved from https://iannajournalofinterdisciplinarystudies.com/index.php/1/article/view/238