Female Education and the Interjecting Trajectories in Northern Nigeria
Background:The wide gender disparity in access to education in northern Nigeria has continued to place majority of young girls at a gross disadvantage. The collaborative efforts between the government, international development partners and Civil Society Organizations to address the problem of inequity for girls in educational access and achievement, has attracted ample intervention and research.However, the problem has persisted.
Objective:The aim of this study is to qualitatively assessthe root factors that have affected girls’ participation in education innorthern Nigeriaand why these factors continue to persist in spite of the collaborations and efforts to increase access and reduce gender gap in education.
Methodology: Primary data for this study was collated throughin-depth interviews and Focused Group Discussion in five communities in three northern states of Katsina, Niger and Bauchi, while secondary data was generated from related literature.
Findings: The finding reveals that the continuous inequity in access in the face of the interventions is further exacerbated for girls due to factors such as poverty and insecurity issues among others.The factorscontinue to persist due to inadequate funding of the education sector and the lack of political will to tackle the problem of insecurity ravaging the north.
Conclusion:This paper concludes that the challenge of access to quality education for girls in the north will continue if factors such as security, poverty and patriarchal attitude towards girls and women are not adequately addressed.
Unique Contribution:The knowledge advanced in this paper should provide data based information that can enable policy makers, Non-Governmental Organizations, international development partners and other stake holders to take adequate and decisive action on issues of education for all, especially as it affects the girl-child.
Key Recommendation:The government should follow through with the promise of tackling the problem of insecurity in the north most especially in the north east. Parents will be more willing to send their children (particularly girls) to school if the safety of the lives of their children is assured.
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