‘‘Health education effort is holistic when it considers the vulnerable’’ How IDPs in Nigeria fare in media reports on COVID-19 pandemic


  • Alice Aladi Jonah
  • Emeka Williams Etumnu
  • Verlumun Celestine Gever
  • Anthonia Omeneke Ohieku


Background: Although progress has been made regarding how the media report vulnerable groups,  researchers are yet to focus attention on how the media factor the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in reporting diseases and outbreak in general and health pandemics in particular. 

Objective: This study attempted to extend literature related to COVID-19  using a Nigerian context by investigating how the media factor IDPs in their reportage of COVID-19.


Methodology: The researchers made use of content analysis as a design and condesheet as the instrument for data collection. The researchers  examined 451 media stories from two TV stations, two newspapers and one radio station.

Results: The result showed  that only 33% of the stories on COVID-19 were linked to IDPs in Nigeria. Even at that, stories related to IDPs in relation to COVID-19 mostly focused on donations, thus making it look as though IDPs do not need protective gears, awareness on COVID-19 and testing.  We found that a significant association exists between the media characteristics and their coverage of the issue examined. Across all media, there were very few public service announcements on COVID-19 that were related to IDPs.

Conclusion:  The media in Nigeria paid less attention to the plight of IDPs in their coverage of issues related to COVID-19.

Unique Contribution: This study is among the first to examine media coverage of COVID-19 with a focus on vulnerable groups like IDPs

Key recommendation: Further researchers are recommended to examine the influence of media reportage of COVID-19 on health behaviour as well as influence of media reportage of COVID-19 on environmental practice.  


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How to Cite

Jonah, A. A., Etumnu, E. W. ., Gever, V. C., & Ohieku, A. O. (2022). ‘‘Health education effort is holistic when it considers the vulnerable’’ How IDPs in Nigeria fare in media reports on COVID-19 pandemic. Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies , 4(1), 44–61. Retrieved from https://iannajournalofinterdisciplinarystudies.com/index.php/1/article/view/88