The moderating effect of dramatized television testimonials in the relationship between anti-migration advocacy advertisements and perception about dangerous migration among youth in Nigeria
Anti-immigration, Advocacy, drama, dangerous migration, televised;, victimsAbstract
Background: Combating the menace of dangerous migration is one of the social problems facing the world now. Daily, casualties of victims of dangerous migration are recorded. Yong people’s wrong perception about the benefits and negative. Dramatized testimonials of victims of dangerous migration have featured constantly in TV messages against dangerous migration.
Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the moderating effect of dramatized television testimonials in the relationship between anti-migration messages and perception about dangerous migration among youth in Nigeria.
Methodology: The researcher utilized descriptive survey research design. The sample size was made up of 470 youth in Nigeria. The researcher combined both descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the results.
Results: The result of the study showed among others, that dramatized testimonies of victims of dangerous migration significantly moderate the effectiveness of media anti-immigration advocacy advertisements among youth.
We explored the theoretical, practical and scholarly contributions of this study.
Conclusion: Dramatized television testimonials are effective in changing the perception of youth regarding dangerous migration.
Unique contribution: This study has provided empirical evidence that could be beneficial for understanding how to effectively change the perception of Nigerian youth on dangerous migration.
Key recommendation: It is suggested that drama techniques should be used in addressing the growing problem of dangerous migration in Nigeria.
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