Gender differentials in advertisement consumption patterns among residents of South-South Nigeria
Advertisements, consumption, gender,, Nigeria, patternsAbstract
Background: The changing nature of communication landscape has posed a challenge for predicting advert consumption of consumers. The situation has been made more difficult with evidence from literature suggesting that gender plays a critical role in influencing human behaviour.
Objective: The objective of this study was to examine gender differentials in advertisement consumption among residents of South-South Nigeria.
Method: The survey researcher design was used to achieve the objectives of the study. A total of 405 respondents took part in the study. The respondents were sampled for the study through a multi-stage sampling technique. The questionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection. In the analysis data for the study, both descriptive and inferential statistics were used.
Results: The result showed that gender significantly influences advertisement consumption in the areas of time of consumption, duration of consumption as well as message elements that attract attention to advertisements. For example, while male reported that they consume advertisements early in the morning, women reported consuming it at night. Also while men consume advertisements with formal tones, women consume advertisements with sexual and humour tones.
Conclusion: Gender plays a significant role in determining the advertisement consumption pattern of consumers.
Unique contribution: The study has examined advertisement consumption of consumers in a developing country from the perspective of gender.
Key recommendation: Based on the result of the study, the researcher recommends, among others advertisers should take into account the gender of their target audience when planning and implementing advertising campaigns.
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